Apple will launch the new 'iPad mini' in October and not at the same time as the new iPhone 5 according to several sources close to the tech giant.
The new device which is expected to boast a display of less than eight inches will be unveiled at a separate event, so as not to dilute the impact of the iPhone's launch.
With the iPhone 5 widely expected to be revealed on September 12th, Apple sees an October follow-up for the smaller iPad as the perfect way to ensure that both products receive a blockbuster response.
With the holiday shopping season approaching, Apple will be able to dominate the tech-market with two new products to sell.
AllThingsD's John Paczkowski is reporting that several unnamed sources at Apple have indicated that following the 'as-of-yet-unannounced' iPhone 5 September launch, the 'iPad mini' will follow.
'Only after the next generation iPhone is out the door and on sale will Apple announce the smaller iPad it’s been working on,' said Paczkowski.
'That device, which is expected to have a display of less than eight inches, will be uncrated at a second special event, which sources said is currently scheduled for October.'
Furthermore, the iPad Mini will look more like a scaled-up version of the iPod Touch than a scaled-down iPad, rumours circulating the internet suggest.
It is expected the device will boast a 7.85-inch screen, positioning it to take on the Google's bestselling Nexus tablet.
However the similarities with the iPod Touch and the slimmer side bezels mean that the iPad Mini could have the same dimensions as its rival but still boast a larger 4:3 display.
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was apparently set against a smaller iPad, but apparently relented in the months before his death last year, according to emails discussed in the ongoing Apple vs Samsung patent dispute.
During testimony during the ongoing Apple vs Samsung trial, submitted court documents suggest Steve Jobs was tempted to enter the seven-inch market.